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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Celebrate Spirit Week! April 20-26

*Spirit Week has ended, but it will be back each year (now held in Mid-March). Be on the lookout for more ways to win!*
April 20-26, 2015 #LPMSpiritWeek

This week has been declared Let's Play Music Spirit Week!  Sound Beginnings students: you are part of the family, too!  We want you to share YOUR love of Let's Play Music by posting to Instagram and Facebook and telling us what you love best about LPM.


We'll be giving out lots of prizes this week:

Tuesday Morning      (5) Great Composers Coloring Books
Wednesday Morning (10) Beethoven's Wig CDs
Thursday Morning    (10) Let's Play Music T-shirts
Friday Evening    (1) $100 Visa Gift Card, (1) Dinner and Movie Gift Certificate
Friday Evening    (3) Sound Beginning materials sets (must be SB student)

How to Enter and Show Your Spirit:
Post to your personal Facebook Timeline a picture of you or your child in your Let's Play Music t-shirt.  Don't have a shirt? How about a photo of practice time on piano or bells, or performing your favorite puppet show, or a snapshot of your recent recital? Anything that shouts out "Let's Play Music!" will show your pride.

Make sure your post is public (down there near the 'post' icon is a button to choose your audience).

MOST IMPORTANT: Use the hashtags #LPMSpiritWeek and #iloveLPM so we can find your post.  You'll be automatically entered to win and your post will stay in the pool all week.

If you are a Sound Beginnings student, also use #SBSpirit so you can win a few prizes for SB only!

Check it Out:
On Facebook, do a search for #LPMSpiritWeek and you'll quickly see all the other posts on this topic- look what fun we're having with LPM!

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