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Monday, January 8, 2018

Our Core Values Articles

Get to know our programs and our core values with these articles:

Our programs are not just piano classes, singing lessons, or fun time- they are carefully balanced to educate a complete musician. Yes, TALENT CAN BE TAUGHT. Find out how in this post.

Parent involvement is the single most critical factor determining a student's long-term achievement in music. In Let's Play Music, parents attend class with students, and they don't just watch! Find out the why, the what, and the how of being an awesome music parent in this post.

Does your child dream of guitar, trombone, or violin? We believe VOICE and PIANO are fundamental for musicianship training, no matter what your end goal is. Learn how piano skills lead to success here.

Learn the Seven Foundational Elements of preschool music classes. You'll love our parent-child program and the fantastic way it prepares students for further music study. Read more here.  

What else makes Sound Beginnings different? Read more here.

Your musical journey will be most successful when the student is supported and encouraged at home. We built a musical program that helps parents and children bond and connect through music. Find out how by reading more here.

We know that PLAY is how children learn. Research tell us that that kids learn best when it's all play. How did we put that in the classroom? Find out here.

The choices you make with money DO affect your happiness. Here are 5 tips for increasing family happiness through intentional spending--  how do music lessons fit into that?  Read more here.

Wondering if you're ready to jump into music lessons because of cost? Take a look at the price tag for lessons and weigh in on the balance. Read more here.

We love GROUP lessons! There's an impact, success, and FUN that can't be replicated anywhere but group classes. Let us debunk some of the myths about private vs. group piano programs. Read more here.

Your child is only 4. Should you start music lessons NOW or later? The answer... depends!  Find out what important facets to consider when choosing a music program for that age. Read more here.

Took music lessons as a child but can't really play? Are some types of lessons actually holding kids BACK from becoming real musicians? Find out about the core elements of musicianship and how you can be sure your lessons are hitting them all. Read more here.

We value learning as a process more than an end result. Students that are taught the value in the process develop resilience and are prepped for long-term success. Find out how we incorporate these ideas into a music program here.

You seek programs and products of superior quality. How do you find quality in a music program? Read our article here.

Music lessons are an opportunity to teach children commitment and consistency. Learning to follow through on a long-term goal is an invaluable life skill. Read about how music students reap benefits in this post.

We practice an abundance mindset. There's enough to go around, and we want to share the best with you. Learn how to cultivate abundance in music class and beyond with this post.

Resilience- the capacity to overcome struggles, or toughness- is a teachable skill leading to students' success and achievement. Find out how music classes can offer opportunity for teaching resilience and optimism in this post.

We incorporate music pedagogy research and results into our program, including influences from top music educators. See highlights of Orff influences in our programs in this post.

Recitals are a time to celebrate accomplishment, provide motivation, and reap a host of other benefits. Learn about how we celebrate achievement in our programs here.
We value the efficient use of students' class time and practice time, so our class routines amazingly get 200% more done in less time. We also care about our TEACHERS and strive to provide a program that makes sense and uses their time wisely. Learn how here.

We value open and honest communication. Need some help talking about sticky situations with your teacher? Read this post.

The Music in Me: a story about the Let's Play Music experience and finding your own voice. Read more here.

Let's Play Music visits One More Time, the musical podcast, and explains the joys and purpose behind Let's Play Music classes. Read/Listen here.

We know that music education builds better brains! In this post our guest blogger explains 3 key ways that music helps develop young minds. Read more here.

Music offers us a powerful way to connect to children's thoughts and emotions. Read one family's story of the healing power of music in this post.

Choose gifts that make a difference! Get some tips and ideas from this Gift Guide for Musical Kids.

Have a week with no class? No matter which year of curriculum you are in, check out this post for some fun musical Turkey practice!

Now that you know a bit about us (and love us?) please help us recruit new teachers! Teachers LOVE the multitude of benefits and resources that come with being a teacher, and YOU get a $$ reward for helping us find the right person. Find out how.

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